I've read The bell Jar o my trip to Mexiko with K. last summer. We were sitting on our borrowed beds and read to each other every word of this story. I remeber only parts of the story, but what I know for sure are the feelings that this book made me feel
I remember relating to Ester on many occasions and then feeling bad about it because it felt like she had a reason for it. She had a real problems real trauma real shit happening in her life and she maybe got better.
In a lot of places it reminded me selfish mental ilness can be and with that how selfish I can be while blaming it on it. It made sad thinking if my mother would also realte but not to Ester but to her mom.
I can't decide if I liked this book or not. I know one thing, I hate Patric and what he as a character represents wholeheartedly. I hate how he treats women, I hate how he looks at non-white folks, I hate how he views non-rich folks. It was quite hard for me to get through his fantasy passages. Since I listened to it as an audiobook it was easier for me to space out in the more uncomfortable places. Also when the inside monologue about everyone's clothing reached more than 5 mins.
The Part I enjoyed the most was Patric interactions with the detective. The detective as a character seemed to me one of the few that didn't make me gag while listening to them/about them. I liked his energy with P as well. The way P wanted to show off for him. I think it showed very nicely how fragile the status of Patrick and his work friends is. It's them and their girls who know what is good, and who follow the rules. The thing is that people otside their bibnble dont care. Its not important to them what paper is their bussiness card made off or how many buttons closed does their vests have.
It meade me think about people who see the only meaning of life in money. I find it allarming how many young people see Patric Bateman realtable or even inspiring.
Would I recommend AP? Yess.... maybe if you have very strong stomach. Or if you like Patric Bateman in the movie.
The Patty Winters Show ” (a Cheerio was interviewed for an hour)